Letting completed on 5,227 sq ft unit in Milton Keynes

June 23, 2022

Kirkby Diamond along with their joint agent LSP, have let a 5,227 sq ft industrial unit on the Burners Lane Industrial Estate in Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes.

The unit has been let to an international food wholesaler supplying Britain’s favourite food brands to retail groups, supermarkets, distributors and independents.

A 5-year lease has been agreed at the quoting rent. Burners Lane is located at the heart of the Kiln Farm employment area to the north-west of Central Milton Keynes, with easy access to the A5 via Monks Way.

The unit benefits from ground and first floor offices, double glazing, a minimum internal height of 5.4 metres and a loading door of 4.9 metres.

4.45 acres of Storage Land, Luton

53,500 sq ft: Stanbridge, Leighton Buzzard

17,000 sq ft: Circle Business Centre, Bedfordshire

39,000 sq ft: Stratus Park, Milton Keynes