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Unit G, Kingsway Industrial Estate, Kingsway, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1

Industrial, Other
3,390 - 6,780 SqFt (314.93 - 629.86 SqM)
On application


This property comprises of an open plan industrial unit and is situated on the prominent and well established Kingsway Industrial Estate. This unit extend to approx. 3,390 sq. ft benefits from a full height roller shutter loading door, a mezzanine and kitchen/breakout area. Parking is provided to the front of the unit. Units can be taken together or separately.

Allocated Parking to the Front
Secure Estate With Gated Out of Hour Access
Full Height Roller Shutter Doors
5.57m Eaves Height
7.4m Ridge Height
WC and Kitchen Facilities

Leasehold: £42,500 per annum
Service charge: £3,100 per annum exclusive
VAT: Applicable
Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the incidence or otherwise of VAT on this transaction.

EPC - C- 68


The property is situated on the prominent and well-established Kingsway Industrial Estate just off the main A505 (Hatters Way), between Luton and Dunstable.
The estate fronts onto Hatters Way with excellent links to Luton Town Centre (with its mainline station and airport) and also to Dunstable, the A5 and the M1.

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Business Rates

From enquiries we understand that for the current year the rateable value is £50,500 with rates payable in the order of £25,199.50 per annum. Interested parties are advised to contact the relevant local authority


EPC - C- 68

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