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Hampden Fields Development - Local Centre Land, Aston Clinton Road, Weston Turville, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP22
The wider scheme achieved outline planning permission in February 2016 for a 3,000 dwelling mixed-use urban extension, including a mixed-use local centre, employment and community uses. The planning permission provides for a total of 3.75 ha (9.26 acres) of commercial land. -
The residential element of the development is to include a total of 145 apartments.
There is no affordable housing requirement, as this has to be accommodated within the wider scheme. A portion of the residential element is expected to sit above the retail element of the local centre with the remainder of flats to come forward as standalone apartment blocks.
- The site is located to the south-east of Aylesbury (2.7 miles) and directly north-west of Aston Clinton (0.2 miles).
- The employment site is located on the periphery of a mixed-use scheme in close proximity (approx. 200m) to the A41 roundabout.
- The site is well connected to infrastructure including the A41 dual carriageway (0.2 miles) which provides access to the M40 (17.7 miles) and M25 (18.1 miles).
- The site also provides good access to Birmingham and the north.
More Information
The outline planning permission can be found under the reference of 16/00424/AOP.
Condition 32 specifies the use classes A1-A5 shall not exceed 4,000sqm in gross internal floor space. Each individual unit of accommodation within the A class use shall be limited to a maximum of 1,200 sqm in gross internal floorspace.
The food store is limited to a maximum of 1,200 sqm in gross internal floorspace.
As per the design code, the local centre and residential apartment blocks are subject to a maximum build height of up to 3.5 stories equating to a max height of 17.5m. Design must be aesthetically sensitive to the nearby residential setting.
The S106 contributions associated with the mixed-use scheme will be covered by Taylor Wimpey.