Lease Extension Calculator
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remaining on the lease.
As you have under 80 years unexpired on your lease, Marriage value is payable. This results in the lease extension premium costing more than if the same lease had over 80 years unexpired. We will be in touch with you soon to discuss your options
Telephone: 01582 738866
Email address:
As you have over 80 years unexpired on your lease, Marriage value is not payable. This results in the lease extension premium costing less than if the same lease had below 80 years unexpired. If you would like to contact Kirkby Diamond for more information:
Telephone: 01582 738866
Email address:
Marriage Value is the increase in value of the property following a lease extension. Because this profit arises as a result of the landlord's obligation to grant a lease extension, by law the profit should be shared equally between the landlord and the leaseholder.

Tenants Guide to Lease Extensions

Landlords Guide to Lease Extensions

Step by Step Guide to extending your lease

Guide to Collective Enfranchisement - Tenant Edition

Guide to Collective Enfranchisement - Landlord Edition

Changes in ground rents

ALEP - Extending your lease